Big Goals for 2021: Wk 02/52

January 14: Progress {Week 2/52}

Week two returned me to work full time (and potential changes) + graduate school + fulltime classes for my kiddos… but, I do appreciate this list in keeping my goals in focus!

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night {13/14}

What a great week of evening routines resulted in great sleep! I have settled in with entertaining, pleasure books, allowing myself to drift into a natural bedtime. This week, I implemented a new nutrition plan – and, while this was a huge challenge, it impacted my sleep in a positive way. In kicking my caffeine habit, I am waking up in advance of my alarm clock – making getting out of bed much easier!

02: Learn Calligraphy

No growth here this week…. but, I have an extra day off next week! All eyes are on this!

03: Purge 1000 items {188/1000}

WOW! My inbox is so much easier to manage! But, I’m still deleting…

Digital Clutter: Unsubscribed from 44 more email lists

I also have a huge pile to itemize and take to our local donation center.

04: Organize the Attic 

My oldest is busy packing to return to college – and, this level of packing creates more clutter than I like to see in common spaces. I did not add to it by dragging boxes from the attic!

05: Read 100 Books, including ALL of the DBC books. {5/100}

There is something so soothing about drifting to sleep with some pleasure reads!

In Progress
(1) Radical Candor | Scott {Professional Growth}

Pleasure Reading: 5 books.

06: Try 52 New Recipes {2/52}

Our most recent cold snap meant that we all craved huge, piping hot bowls of rich, filling stew! My dear hubby whipped up a variation of Brunswick Stew, and, wow, was it delicious! Served with oyster crackers and a Netflix marathon, we braved the cold!

07: Get in Shape

Week 2 and still going. I have a 14-day food logging streak on Lose It, and I am connected to several friends who hold me accountable through sharing successes, cheering me on when I feel defeated, and swapping recipes. This week, I also overhauled my nutritional plan, following the Fast Metabolism Diet. I planned and tracked every single meal, and finally, on Wednesday, the needle on the scale started to move in the downward direction.

Here are some specific action steps that I took this week:

I continued the Running Challenge {Run for America, 1/1/21 – 3/14/21} This week, I have accumulated 81.0km of my 100km goal. Given this milestone, I am really considering increasing my goal to 250 km. What do you think?

I do love my Apple Watch as I am strangely motivated by badges. January 2021 was no different! This one felt tough – but, it’s done!

Third, I closed the Activity Ring every. single. day. Something about seeing those little rings close every day motivates me!

08: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

This month’s goal is to run daily. Nailed it!

January 2020: Run daily.
January 1 – 14: Ran daily and logged 81.0km. See above.

09: Write/Send 52 notes/cards {4/52}

I really need to write a few this week! Maybe I’ll send a care package to Girl #1 in college!

10: Maintain a weekly blog {2/52}

Here I am!

11: Simplify my life

I took a critical look at my calendar and the tasks that go in it. I intentionally batched tasks based on their cognitive requirement. This practice resulted in insane productivity – and, I was able to “eat the frog” on several projects. It turns out, they only looked more monumental than they really were. One of these huge projects is 1/3 of the way complete!

I’m open to other ideas on how to simplify my life… send them my way.

12: Organize my mother’s photographs

I was able to scan, organize, and label 1.5 shoeboxes of photos. That’s a start, right?

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1: This one is starting to take shape…
  • Secret Goal #2: Parts of this one were assembled this week…
  • Secret Goal #3: I have sketched out a paper/pencil plan for this…
  • Secret Goal #4

How are you 2021 goals going?

Do you have a WOY2021?

Cheers, Holly