Big Goals for 2021: Wk 09/52

What a week… and, by Friday night at 8 PM, I was settled in with a good book. Why? This week, I fixed 30+ Chromebooks, installed 25 wireless speakers (twice, long story), replaced two projectors, reinstalled five telephones (and two new telephones), taught classes face-to-face, virtually, and concurrently, and led four webinars at the state technology conference. This does not include the three lacrosse games (two were 3+hours away), the appointments because the HVAC is out, time spent replacing the TV, and prepping for my daughter’s surgery on Monday. This girl needs a vacation. For sure.

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night {Status: 60/63}

Lots of work and not enough hours in the day cut me short one night. I caught up this weekend. The more consistently that I earn ample sleep, the more that I recognize it is a huge factor in my mood, productivity, and energy.

02: Learn Calligraphy

I have spend a large part of this week getting large tasks done, and getting ahead on some larger assignments. Calligraphy is getting closer and closer!

03: Purge 1000 items {Status: 353/1000}

Still pruning my email lists. 5 more have been deleted! My email inbox is so empty lately. It’s delightful!

And, a Christmas bowl and random sweatshirt left the house, too!

04: Organize the Attic 

No progress in this area this week.

05: Read 100 Books, including ALL of the DBC books. {Status: 13/100}

I was forced to step away from pleasure reading this week to prepare to teach classes. The current pleasure read is very long with excellent character development. I’m savoring every page!

In Progress
(1) Radical Candor | Scott {Professional Growth}
(2) Culturally Responsive School Leadership | Khalifa {Professional Growth}
(3) Hacking Questions {Professional Growth}
(4) The Ethics of Leadership | Ciulla {Professional Growth}

Pleasure Reading: 13 books.

06: Try 52 New Recipes {Status: 06/52}

The husband created a Southwestern Chicken Soup. It was spicy… but the jury is still out about whether we will add this to the menu rotation.

07: Get in Shape

Here are some specific action steps that I took this week:

I *completed* the Running Challenge {Run for America, 1/1/21 – 3/14/21}
And, I signed up for the Spring Challenge! Bring on sunny weather and outside runs!

For another week, I closed the Activity Ring every. single. day. There is something quite satisfying about these silly little rings!

08: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Last year, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2021: Day 31 of my Run Streak! {Done!}
February 2021: Track my meals on Lose It App {28/28}
March 2021: Select and maintain a proper skin care routine! {7/7}

09: Write/Send 52 notes/cards {Status: 78/52: Done!}

10: Maintain a weekly blog {9/52}

Here I am!

11: Simplify my life

I moved five huge tasks off of my plate this week. I am beginning to see spaces for simply enjoy life.

I’m open to other ideas on how to simplify my life… send them my way.

12: Organize my mother’s photographs

Still sitting there… still laughing at me.

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1: This one is starting to take shape…
  • Secret Goal #2: Parts of this one were assembled this week…
  • Secret Goal #3: I have sketched out a paper/pencil plan for this…
  • Secret Goal #4: I might just switch this one…

How are your goals going?

Cheers, Holly