Big Goals for 2022: Wk 21/52

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”
― James Clear, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [120/126]

I have been so disciplined about going to bed early that I’m starting to struggle to stay up beyond 10 PM! I am finding that I naturally wake up on weekends – and my mornings are so productive!

02: Purge 1000 items [412/1000]

My oldest daughter came home from college, and she cleaned out her closet, too! The following items left: 73 articles of clothing and 1 water bottle. How do we accumulate so many water bottles?

03: Organize the Attic 

Still, no progress in this area!

04: Read 100 Books [25/100]

It’s summertime — which calls for lazy reading on the beach while enjoying a salty, ocean breeze.

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits: This is part of my current book study!

Nonfiction Reads (25 complete)

05: Try 52 New Recipes [6/52]

I really need to find new recipes! I’m so behind on this goal!

06: Get in Shape

After 3 weeks of celebrations that included two college graduations, educator appreciation week, Boss’s Day, and many evenings that landed us in a “grab and go” situation, I am diving back into E2M Personal Training by embracing the Nutritional Plan.

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [27/28]
March 2022: New Nutrition/Exercise Program
April 2022: Still embracing a New Nutrition/Exercise Program!
May 2022: Still working on a New Nutritional Program: Plants & Fasting!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [15/52]

I knocked out another one this week… almost caught up!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [12/52]

I took a three-week hiatus, but I’m back! I feel like I actually have something to report!

10: Simplify my life

I am continuing to pause and enjoy life: I completely unplugged to enjoy a weekend college graduation celebration for my oldest daughter, took a day off of work to enjoy my youngest daughter’s Dual Enrollment graduation, enjoyed quick dinners out with dear friends “on a whim”, and spent today simply enjoying an afternoon on the beach. I’m remembering how it feels to unwind and simply enjoy life.

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

I have digitally backed up the ones that have been scanned, and I’m chipping away at Box 2!

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1: This might get rewritten as I begin sketching plans.
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly

Big Goals for 2022: Wk 18/52

“For me, forgiveness and compassion are always linked: how do we hold people accountable for wrongdoing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed?”

Source: “There’s No Place to Go But Up” — bell hooks and Maya Angelou in conversation

As I consider the power of feedback, I feel this…

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [101/105]

I have been so disciplined about going to bed early that I’m starting to struggle to stay up beyond 10 PM!

02: Purge 1000 items [338/1000]

Spring Break meant two big closet declutters! The following items left: 60 articles of clothing, 64 pieces of jewelry, a file box, 12 containers of protein shakes, and 11 boxes of food that I simply do not like.

03: Organize the Attic 

Still, no progress in this area!

04: Read 100 Books [21/100]

My reading groove is picking up. I do love spring-time porch reading!

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits: This is part of my current book study!

Nonfiction Reads (21 complete)

05: Try 52 New Recipes [6/52]

Time to dust off the grill for yummy eats!

06: Get in Shape

I’m in the middle of Week One of my new nutritional goals. My sleep habits have improved and my cravings have subsided. Now, if the scale will start to move a little bit…

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [27/28]
March 2022: New Nutrition/Exercise Program
April 2022: Still embracing a New Nutrition/Exercise Program!
May 2022: Still working on a New Nutrition/Exercise Program — Plants!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [14/52]

I did write one this week!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [11/52]

This is a two-week installment.

10: Simplify my life

This week, I paused several times: to take a dear friend out after his surgery, to enjoy Scholarship Night with my daughter, to take in a concert with family and college friends, and to enjoy a musical with my dad. Although I am spent, I would not change a thing!

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

One binder and one file box are fully scanned! I can finally see progress!

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1: This might get rewritten as I begin sketching plans.
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly