“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.” – James Clear
This is a statement that has driven my actions this week. Every meal, every snack, every glass of water, every workout, and every morning that I wake up is an opportunity to vote for the person that I want to become: healthy. I am also realizing that my mind holds the power – I can think I can or can’t, and both are true. But, what if I actually CAN hold that Zone 6 in Power Zones Training for the entire minute? What if I CAN complete a 45-minute Peloton session? What if I CAN pedal out of the saddle? Funny… when I think I CAN, I actually CAN. Mind over matter, friends.
01: Purge 1000 items {Status: 4/1000}
I did not remove anything this week. However, our bathroom remodel is scheduled for next week – so this number might jump soon!
02: Organize the Attic
No trips into the attic this week.
03: Read 100 Books {Status: 0/100}
Reading is part of my daily routine, so I kept this goal. It’s a good one.
In Progress
The Girl Who Survived (Mystery)
How Not to Die (Health)
Pleasure Reading: 0 books.
04: Try 52 New Recipes {Status: 3/52}
Grilled BBQ Chicken pizza with caramelized red onions on a homemade sourdough crust. 10/10
05: Get in Shape
With the new year, I am embracing goals in 4-week intervals specific to fitness, health, and wellness. See below:
#OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera
January 2023:
Peloton: Maintain streak: Day 53 of streak
Peloton: Engage with Accountability Group daily: 15/15
Peloton: Discover Your Zones Challenge: Completed Week 2
E2M: Month 1:
– No-carb: Still going strong!
– One gallon of water/day: Check
– 16-hour Fasting: Check
– High protein: Finally hit my protein macros after adding a high-protein snack
– Daily workouts: Check – with PRs! Woohoo!
– Room for improvement, but I’m going to celebrate small victories.
06: Write/Send 52 notes/cards {Status: 00/52}
I need to write Thank You notes for my birthday presents!
07: Maintain a weekly blog {2/52}
Here I am!
08: Organize my mother’s photographs {in progress}
It turns out that last week’s box of photos is taking a LONG time to scan. Why are there so many photos from that one event?
09: House Projects {in progress}
Decorate the wall in dining room
Build a Butler’s Pantry
Decorate the sunroom: Decluttering is in progress
Build valences for the house
Install a sunroom door
Decorate the fitness room: Planning my Peloton wall!
Remodel bathroom: Scheduled for this week. Woot!
Repaint island
Replace the front storm door
Paint front porch
Paint front door
10: Random Fun Goals {in progress}
Make sausage
Try new craft beers
Try new local restaurants
Live my #WOTY2023 … Transform.
How are your goals going?
Cheers, Holly