It doesn’t make sense to continue wanting something if you’re not willing to do Before you throw more time at the problem, throw more focused action at the problem. You don’t need more time, you need fewer distractions.
– James Clear
Another crazy week where my professional and personal “to-do” lists are multiple pages long – and, for reasons beyond my control, I only added items this week (not subtracting), but that’s ok. I did manage to complete one really big task at work and a few little personal tasks at home. Through all of this, I still plugged in every day – my Power Zones Challenge and enjoyed a few Valentine’s Day rides for fun. Overall, this week was 10/10.
01: Purge 1000 items {Status: 532/1000}
Now that the bathroom remodel is nearly complete, it was time to whittle down the bathroom supplies so that ALL supplies fit neatly under the counter for easy access. To tackle this, I took everything out and make important decisions. For example: who needs prescriptions and cosmetics from 2018? My husband said, “What if…”. My dear, if we are in need of those medications, we are in need of medical care immediately. So, two trash cans later, the bathroom is quite tidy.
02: Organize the Attic
One box from the attic was dwindled down to one small sandwich-sized plastic bag of ribbon for holiday gift wrapping. Other than that, the entire box left my house (and was added to the total above).
03: Read 100 Books {Status: 6/100}
Plugging away!
In Progress
How Not to Die (Health)
Radical Candor (Professional, re-read)
Pleasure Reading: 6 books.
I did visit a library this week. I was so taken by one of the displays, that I borrowed a book directly from the awesome display! Way to go, librarian as your strategy to get books into the hands of readers absolutely worked!
04: Try 52 New Recipes {Status: 11/52}
Made an awesome protein charcuterie for the Superbowl Party! And, incredibly, it resulted in my lunches for the entire week!
05: Get in Shape
With the new year, I am embracing goals in 4-week intervals specific to fitness, health, and wellness. See below:
#OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera
January 2023: Consistency in Fitness
February 2023: Add stretching to my daily routine
Peloton: Maintain streak: Day 89 of streak
Peloton: Engage with Accountability Group daily: 50/50
Peloton: Groovy Zones Power Zones Challenge: Completed Week 5
– Peloton: February Activity Challenge: Silver
– Peloton: 60 min PR (467)
– Peloton: 2K Rides in 2023
– Peloton: Rides #200
– Peloton: Stretches #25
– Peloton: Artist Series
– Peloton: 610.03 mi in 2023
– Apple: February Challenge
– Apple: Heart Month Challenge
06: Write/Send 52 notes/cards {Status: 00/52}
So far behind on this …
07: Maintain a weekly blog {07/52}
Here I am!
08: Organize my mother’s photographs {in progress}
New scanner is a dream!
09: House Projects {in progress}
Decorate the wall in dining room
Build a Butler’s Pantry
Decorate the sunroom: Decluttering is in progress
Build valences for the house
Install a sunroom door
Decorate the fitness room: Planning my Peloton wall!
Remodel bathroom: Sooooo close!
Repaint island: Happening today!Replace the front storm door: Fixed the existing one!Paint front porch
Paint front door
New addition: Replace bathroom sink
New addition: Frame downstairs for dogs: Next up is metal fencing
10: Random Fun Goals {in progress}
Make sausage
Try new craft beers
Try new local restaurants
Live my #WOTY2023 … Transform.
How are your goals going?
Cheers, Holly