Big Goals for 2023: Wk 08/52

What you do on your ordinary days determines what you can achieve on your extraordinary days. – James Clear

Finally finding my groove, and this week was the most productive one yet.

01: Purge 1000 items {Status: 725/1000}

With one week before vacation and house-sitters getting ready to take over my house, decluttering and cleaning were a priority. I tackled the sunroom, and I filled the trashcan twice. Things that left are CDs, purses, bulletin boards, boxes, photo albums, craft supplies, and cards (some left over from my part-time job at Hallmark… how many years ago was that?)

02: Organize the Attic 

A few items went into the attic — but they were very organized in making their journey.

03: Read 100 Books {Status: 7/100}

Plugging away!

In Progress
How Not to Die (Health)
Radical Candor (Professional, re-read)

Pleasure Reading: 7 books.

I’ve stocked up on pleasure reads to take on vacation! Let the poolside reading begin!

04: Try 52 New Recipes {Status: 11/52}

Trying to eat our way through the cabinets to clean them out before we leave for vacation.

05: Get in Shape

With the new year, I am embracing goals in 4-week intervals specific to fitness, health, and wellness. See below:

#OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

January 2023: Consistency in Fitness
February 2023: Add stretching to my daily routine

Peloton: Maintain streak: Day 96 of streak
Peloton: Engage with Accountability Group daily: 57/57
Peloton: Groovy Zones Power Zones Challenge: Completed Week 6
– Peloton: February Activity Challenge: Gold
– Peloton: 45 min PR (363)
– Peloton: 707.24 mi in 2023

06: Write/Send 52 notes/cards {Status: 00/52}

So far behind on this …

07: Maintain a weekly blog {08/52}

Here I am!

08: Organize my mother’s photographs {in progress}

I organized three boxes of photos this week! And, I completely scanned my sister’s wedding photographs (what was a beast!)

09: House Projects {in progress}

Decorate the wall in dining room
Build a Butler’s Pantry
Decorate the sunroom: Decluttering is in progress
Build valences for the house
Install a sunroom door
Decorate the fitness room: Planning my Peloton wall!
Remodel bathroom: Just waiting on the installation of the glass.

Repaint island: Happening today!
Replace the front storm door: Fixed the existing one!
Paint front porch
Paint front door
New addition: Replace bathroom sink
New addition: Frame downstairs for dogs: Next up is metal fencing

10: Random Fun Goals {in progress}

Make sausage
Try new craft beers
Try new local restaurants

Live my #WOTY2023 … Transform.

How are your goals going?

Cheers, Holly