Big Goals for 2023: Wk 22/52

Broaden your interests. It’s nice to have at least one surprising hobby or passion. People find it interesting. In many ways, the part of you that is least expected is more respected. – James Clear

I’m going to use this quote as inspiration to try new types of rides, new instructors, and new Peloton classes.

01: Purge 1000 items {Status: 980/1000}

Oooohhhh! I’m so close, following the recycling of 23 t-shirts this week.

02: Organize the Attic 

Another week with the attic door closed. May/June remains busy!

03: Read 100 Books {Status: 22/100}

I did enjoy a little bit of beach time this week — including books!

In Progress
How Not to Die (Health)
Radical Candor (Professional, re-read)
Mindset (Professional, re-read)

Pleasure Reading: 22 books.

04: Try 52 New Recipes {Status: 20/52}

Our family invested in the NinjaCreami! We tried Peanut Butter Chocolate ice cream (4 stars) and Vanilla Cheesecake (meh). But, this device is a gamechanger for someone (me) who loves ice cream but not the sugar!

05: Get in Shape

With the new year, I am embracing goals in 4-week intervals specific to fitness, health, and wellness. See below:

#OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

January 2023: Consistency in Fitness
February 2023: Add stretching to my daily routine
March 2023: Maintain my routine during vacation
April 2023: Log meals on Lose It & Strength training (arms)
May 2023: I hired a nutritionist for 3 months!
June 2023: Focus on sugar!

Peloton: Maintain streak: Day 194 of streak
Peloton: Engage with Accountability Group daily: 155/155
Peloton: 100 Days of Peloton: Day 54
Peloton: Zone Wars: The Force Awakens: Week 2: Platinum
– Peloton: May Strength Challenge: Gold
– Peloton: June Cycling Challenge: Bronze
– Peloton: 391 rides
– Peloton: 1820.76 mi in 2023
– Peloton Fun Badges: None this week?!

06: Write/Send 52 notes/cards {Status: 11/52}

Does it count if I bought new note cards? Asking for a friend…

07: Maintain a weekly blog {20/52}

Here I am!

08: Organize my mother’s photographs {in progress}

This looks like a Fall project.

09: House Projects {12/21}

Decorate the wall in the dining room
Build a Butler’s Pantry
Decorate the sunroom: Decluttering is in progress
Build valences for the house
Create a fenced-in downstairs for the puppies
Install a sunroom door
Decorate the fitness room: Planning my Peloton wall!
Remodel bathroom: Can’t decide, so I found a pretty curtain. Done!
Repaint island

Replace the front storm door: Fixed the existing one!
Paint front porch: Porch is painted – just need to paint the ceiling
Paint front door
New addition: Replace bathroom sink
New addition: Hang blinds downstairs
New addition: Powerwash driveway
New addition: Replace the hot water heater
New addition: Replace the HVAC
New addition: Floor the attic

New addition: Install new cabinets
New addition: Frame downstairs for dogs

New addition: Paint attic door

10: Random Fun Goals {in progress}

Make sausage
Try new craft beers: 12 new brews (156 total)
Try new local restaurants: 1

Live my #WOTY2023 … Transform.

How are your goals going?

Cheers, Holly