Big Goals for 2022: Week 8/52

A quote that keeps me going this week:

“Finish every day and be done with it. For manners and for wise living it is a vice to remember. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it well and serenely, and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day for all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the rotten yesterdays.”

Source: Letter to his daughter Ellen, reprinted in The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [47/49]

This week was better. I’m learning that a good night’s sleep equates to higher productivity the next day. And, caffeine after 5 PM means that high-quality sleep does not happen. So, no more evening caffeine.

02: Purge 1000 items [151/1000]

I cleaned out one drawer of my chest – removing 3 items that I do not love. My daughters joined the game and eliminated another 18 items. It was not a bad week on this goal!

03: Organize the Attic 

No attic trips this week… way too cold!

04: Read 100 Books [9/100]

The current fiction book is taking longer to digest than usual. Also, I’m reviewing a couple of books as a part of my job, so those have bumped pleasuring reading to the side.

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits

Nonfiction Reads (9 complete)

05: Try 52 New Recipes [3/52]

My oldest daughter was home from college this weekend, and – after watching a trending TikTok video, she wanted to try Hot Dogs Burnt Ends: hot dogs smoked with butter, brown sugar, and BBQ sauce. While always game for a food adventure, I do not plan to add this recipe to the weekly rotation.

06: Get in Shape

Still rocking my February Mini Goal!

But, my goal for February will be to carve out 30 minutes to exercise every day.

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [26/27]

February Apple Rings: Looking good!

Peloton consistency: Check!

And, I earned a couple of cute badges!

And, on my 50th ride, I earned a Personal Record (PR) *and* surpassed 200 output for one ride (I’ve never hit that milestone before!) I might not be seeing progress, but I can feel it!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [13/52]

I’ve carried these notecards around with me for a week. I have no idea why this small action takes so much effort?!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [7/52)

I’m back!

10: Simplify my life

This week, I lived to quickly get home to ride my bike. There is something about the 20-30 minutes, unplugged, that is magical.

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

No progress in this area this week because I’m still tackling the corner.

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly

Big Goals for 2022: Week 7/52

75% of the way through February…and I’m running on steam!

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [40/42]

On two occasions over the last two weeks, I found myself burning the candles at both ends — staying up late to complete projects and waking up early to make an appointment. I paid for those sleepless nights for many days after. This commitment has made me realize how important sleep is to my overall health and positive attitude.

02: Purge 1000 items [128/1000]

I only had time to remove a handful of items this week, as I rearranged a few things in my cabinet. Once Spring Break arrives, I’m taking a deep dive into purging!

03: Organize the Attic 

No attic trips this week… way too cold!

04: Read 100 Books [9/100]

Traveling and projects this week made for a slower progress in my fiction books, and I’m behind in my reading challenge!

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits

Nonfiction Reads (9 complete)

I am intentionally taking my Professional growth books slowly so I can savor, learn, and integrate these reads into my life. I hope to blog about my books as I enjoy them!

05: Try 52 New Recipes [2/52]

The Superbowl Party at my Dad’s house resulted in my husband trying out Bacon Wrapped Smoked Armadillo Eggs! Try them! They are quite yummy!

06: Get in Shape

This goal saw massive improvement this week!

But, my goal for February will be to carve out 30 minutes to exercise every day.

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [19/20]

February Apple Rings: Looking good!

Peloton consistency: Check!

And, I earned a couple of cute badges!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [13/52]

Cute notecards are in…now, I need time to write!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [6/52)

Whoops! I missed a week…but, I’m back on track!

10: Simplify my life

Last weekend, I enjoyed a wonderful Superbowl Party with my family. This weekend, I spent the weekend celebrating my oldest daughter’s senior day at Varsity swim and shopping for Prom dresses with my youngest daughter. It was glorious!

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

No progress in this area this week because I’m still tackling the corner.

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly

Big Goals for 2022: Week 5/52

Today, I am looking at my February calendar while trying to figure out how to fit it all in…

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [35/35]

I am finding that I need full nights of sleep — I need it to ensure that I have the cognitive bandwidth to complete heavy tasks at work, can effectively problem-solve daily fires, and plan for the days/weeks/months ahead. I’m still not at the point where I am waking up early enough to squeeze in a workout. It’s still a goal!

02: Purge 1000 items [124/1000]

I let go of a few kitchen items and my sister’s wedding album from her first marriage. Seriously, that was 17 years ago. Why did I still have it? I am still digitizing my files… Section H! Regardless of how small, it’s progress.

03: Organize the Attic 

No attic trips this week… way too cold!

04: Read 100 Books [8/100]

I fell asleep in my fiction book several times this week. Clearly, the sleeping goal trumped the reading goal this week.

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits

Nonfiction Reads (8 complete)

I am intentionally taking my Professional growth books slowly so I can savor, learn, and integrate these reads into my life. I hope to blog about my books as I enjoy them!

05: Try 52 New Recipes [1/52]

The weather finally broke, allowing us to revive the grill. Grilled BBQ Chicken Pizza for a huge win!

06: Get in Shape

This goal saw massive improvement this week!

But, my goal for February will be to carve out 30 minutes to exercise every day.

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [6/6]

February Apple Rings: Check!

Peloton consistency: Check!

And, I earned a couple of cute badges!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [13/52]

Cute notecards are in…now, I need time to write!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [5/52)

I’m still here… not hitting all of the goals, but, meh, that’s ok! Life is all about progress, right?

10: Simplify my life

My local watering hole reopened after two weeks of winter renovations, so I enjoyed some freshly tapped craft beer with friends this weekend.

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

No progress in this area this week because I’m still tackling the corner.

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly