Big Goals for 2022: Wk 16/52

“Maybe you’re not perfect, but you’re willing to actually look at yourself and take some kind of accountability. That’s a change. It might not mean that you can turn everything around, but I think there’s something incredibly hopeful about that.”
Brie Larson

As I embrace some significant life changes, this quote speaks to me. Time for personal accountability… and accountability partners.

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [101/105]

My sleep schedule was so good for me this week. In fact, it was so good that I had two early mornings at work that turned into super productive days!

02: Purge 1000 items [190/1000]

In rearranging the house this week, I removed a bookcase. This forced me to take a critical look at the books that I keep available to read. 21 books are leaving my house along with a table, a bookcase, a futon, a piano, and two baskets! I’m picking up speed in this area!

03: Organize the Attic 

As I clear out areas in the downstairs den, this project is getting closer!

04: Read 100 Books [15/100]

I found a few writers who specialize in thrillers! I am loving my new non-fiction reads!

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits: This is part of my current book study!

Nonfiction Reads (15 complete)

05: Try 52 New Recipes [6/52]

Time to dust off the grill for yummy eats!

06: Get in Shape

I’m in the middle of Week One of my new nutritional goals. My sleep habits have improved and my cravings have subsided. Now, if the scale will start to move a little bit…

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [27/28]
March 2022: New Nutrition/Exercise Program
April 2022: Still embracing a New Nutrition/Exercise Program!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [13/52]

I have so many notes to write…but I have a list to chip away at this week!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [10/52]

I took a pause for a few weeks, but I’m back!

10: Simplify my life

I loved spending time with my girls this week… what a treat to have them both home at the same time!

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

No progress in this area this week because I’m still tackling the corner. Does it count that I moved boxes around? Scanning: On Letter S!

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1: This might get rewritten as I begin sketching plans.
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly

Big Goals for 2022: Wk 15/52

A quote that keeps me going this week:

“”Everyone writes in a way; that is, each person has a “story,” a personal narrative which is constantly being replayed, revised, taken apart, and put together again. The significant points in this narrative change as a person ages—what may have been tragedy at twenty is seen as comedy or nostalgia at forty. All children write. (And paint, and sing.) I suppose the real question is why do so many people give it up?” ~ Margaret Atwood 

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [94/98]

Only slipped once this week, thanks to the tip-off time for the NCAA Basketball Championship Game in which my alma mater was playing!

02: Purge 1000 items [163/1000]

Purged a few items… still not enough!

03: Organize the Attic 

No attic trips this week… way too cold!

04: Read 100 Books [14/100]

I found a few writers who specialize in thrillers! I am loving my new non-fiction reads!

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits

Nonfiction Reads (14 complete)

05: Try 52 New Recipes [6/52]

Now that Spring is nearly here, this is going to be a New Recipe Week! I can feel it!

06: Get in Shape

I stepped away from intense exercise for 3-4 weeks to dial in my nutrition. I am still working on this… I am realizing that this is “mind work” just as much as it is “kitchen work”!

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [27/28]
March 2022: New Nutrition/Exercise Program
April 2022: Still embracing a New Nutrition/Exercise Program!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [13/52]

I have so many notes to write!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [9/52)

I took a pause for a few weeks, but I’m back!

10: Simplify my life

I am learning to say YES more often than saying NO!

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

No progress in this area this week because I’m still tackling the corner. I am, however, on Letter R!

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly