Big Goals for 2022: Week 4/52

Dear universe: I live at the beach to avoid all cold weather. So, three consecutive Fridays filled with winter storms and snow is more than this flip-flop-wearing girls needs for one winter season!

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night [28/28]

I definitely hit a 7/7 in this area this week…but, I’m still not at the point where I am waking up early enough to squeeze in a workout. It’s still a goal!

02: Purge 1000 items [118/1000]

My youngest purged her closet and removed 12 items, and I let go of two items (way overdue). Instead, I am still digitizing my files… I finally advanced to section G! Regardless of how small, it’s progress.

03: Organize the Attic 

No attic trips this week… way too cold!

04: Read 100 Books [7/100]

I’m trying to embrace nonfiction reads, but they are going slooooowly.

In Progress
Art of Coaching
Atomic Habits

Nonfiction Reads (7 complete)

I am intentionally taking my Professional growth books slowly so I can savor, learn, and integrate these reads into my life. I hope to blog about my books as I enjoy them!

05: Try 52 New Recipes

Enjoyed a delicious lasagna this week. Winter cooking is so good — but not good for my waistline. Ooops.

06: Get in Shape

Still struggling…

But, my goal for February will be to carve out 30 minutes to exercise every day.

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2020: Close my Apple Rings [22/30]

So far, I have closed my Apple Rings 22 out of 30 days in January!

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [13/52]

I just purchased some super cute cards to send out in February!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [4/52)

I’m still here… not hitting the goals, but, meh, that’s ok! Life is all about progress, right?

10: Simplify my life

My girls and I spent a wonderful pasta dinner with my sister. Love the little things.

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

No progress in this area this week because I’m still tackling the corner.

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1
  • Secret Goal #2
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly