Big Goals for 2022: Wk 38/52

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. ~ Helen Keller

01: Get 6 – 7 Hours of Sleep Each Night {Status: 249/266}

Nailed it this week!

02: Learn Calligraphy

Still pausing until life slows down a little bit!

03: Purge 1000 items {Status: 1026/1000}

Despite meeting this goal, I’m still purging. The following items left my house this week: minutes from a date meeting, a stack of old magazines, two lamps, and a portable clothes hanging rack.

04: Organize the Attic 

Still waiting for cooler weather! Based on this week, it’s almost here!

05: Read 100 Books, including ALL of the DBC books. {Status: 44/100}

No changes this week…

In Progress
(1) Atomic Habits — Complete!
(2) Ruthless Equity
(3) Start with Why

Pleasure Reading: 41 books.

06: Try 52 New Recipes {Status: 20/52}

No new recipes this week, but there are two recipes ready for this upcoming week. Get excited!

06: Get in Shape

I’m one month into my new commitment to 1% every day.

Successes: Remove soda from my diet. Drink more water. Trade high caloric density food for low caloric density food. I believe that this starts with awareness and recognizing that every meal is an opportunity to make a better decision.

No excuses! I’m using my social media story for accountability to improve by 1% each day.

07: #OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

Three years ago, I joined Michael Matera on his #OneMonthGoals journey. I ran every single day for a month – and it was glorious. This year, I am committed to selecting (and sticking with) one new goal each month, which I will document here.

January 2022: Close my Apple Rings [23/31]
February 2022: Exercise every single day! [27/28]
March 2022: New Nutrition/Exercise Program
April 2022: Still embracing a New Nutrition/Exercise Program!
May 2022: Still working on a New Nutritional Program: Plants & Fasting!
June 2022: Read every day! [30/30]
July 2022: Recommit to Peloton! [22/30]
August 2022: Cut soda [31/31]
September 2022: Food log [25/30}

08: Write/Send 52 notes/cards [23/52]

I did write 6 notes this week!

09: Maintain a weekly blog [17/52]

Sometimes, I don’t have much to say so a blog update seems silly.

10: Simplify my life

I am still unplugging on Fridays! I also use Saturday and Sunday mornings to catch up on work so I can relax or socialize on weekend evenings.

11: Organize my mother’s photographs

This needs to resurface on the top of my list!

Secret Goals! 

  • Secret Goal #1: Finally! We replaced all of the items in the downstairs bathroom!
  • Secret Goal #2: Outdoor living room makeover – This week, the completed the electrical work!
  • Secret Goal #3
  • Secret Goal #4

What are your goals for 2022?

Live my #WOTY2022 … Believe

Cheers, Holly