Big Goals for 2023: Wk 01/52

I make suggestions. You make decisions.
– Denis, Peloton

Unlike previous years, I stepped into this year recognizing that I would only TRANSFORM myself through consistent work. This week, I showed up – every day, with 100% effort. No, I’m not going ALL IN on every workout. Instead, I am making intentional decisions to balance training with push efforts while adding cool-down rides, stretches, and mindful nutrition at every opportunity.

01: Purge 1000 items {Status: 4/1000}

I only removed a few items this week, so this one is off to a slow start.

02: Organize the Attic 

Every trip into the attic is an adventure. We have organized one corner… three corners left.

03: Read 100 Books {Status: 0/100}

Reading is part of my daily routine, so I’m keeping this goal. It’s a good one.

In Progress
The Girl Who Survived (Mystery)
How Not to Die (Health)

Pleasure Reading: 0 books.

04: Try 52 New Recipes {Status: 2/52}

Italian Meatloaves with wedge fries from Hello Fresh. Yummy. I recommend.
Homemade jalapeno burgers with sweet potatoes wedges. Delish. 10/10

05: Get in Shape

With the new year, I am embracing specific goals in 4-week intervals specific to fitness, health, and wellness. See below:

#OneMonthGoals with Michael Matera

January 2023:

Peloton: Maintain streak: Day 46 of streak
Peloton: Engage with Accountability Group daily: 8/8
Peloton: Discover Your Zones Challenge: Completed Week 1
E2M: Month 1:
– No-carb: Meh… I have significantly lowered my carb intake.
– One gallon of water/day: Check
– 16-hour Fasting: Check
– High protein: Improving
– Daily workouts: Check
– Room for improvement, but I’m going to celebrate small victories.

06: Write/Send 52 notes/cards {Status: 00/52}

I have not started this one yet.

07: Maintain a weekly blog {1/52}

Here I am!

08: Organize my mother’s photographs {in progress}

I just started a new box of photos. I am thankful that these will be easier to sort, as they are all the same event!

09: House Projects {in progress}

Decorate the wall in dining room
Build a Butler’s Pantry
Decorate the sunroom: Decluttering is in progress
Build valences for the house
Install a sunroom door
Decorate the fitness room: Hung two photos this week!
Remodel bathroom
Repaint island
Replace the front storm door
Paint front porch
Paint front door

10: Random Fun Goals {in progress}

Make sausage
Try new craft beers
Try new local restaurants

Live my #WOTY2023 … Transform.

How are your goals going?

Cheers, Holly